In honour of my departure I think maybe going over a few things that in 4 months i've been rather accustom to and i will especially miss.
5. Konbini and Obento's-
Nothing like the convience of a 24 hour convinience store that has realitively tasty premade food. Plus the store's are everywhere, even in small towns. Equivenlent in numbers to the New York Bodegas and serves almost same purpose but they also do alot more. All have prinitng serves, atms, postal service, and you can buy movie and concert tickets from them aswell. Lawsons and 711/7andi being the biggest ones there are also Sunkus, family mart, Circkle K, AM PM, MiniStop and many more.....
yaaaa i don't want to live without them... :-(
Lawson makes the best konbini obento's