Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Things i will miss (4)

Fast and Reliable Trains-

Relativelty expensive by my standards after only having to pay 2.25 to go anywhere in the city of new york. But for timelyness, cleanliness, reliablity, and generally considerate passangers it can't be beat. In 4 months have only been on a train that has stopped once. I don't ever recall a train being late and if I was ever late it was my fault not the trains.

There has been stoppages due to certain cases im not sure myself, but if the train is ever late there is a station worker at the gate who hands out late notices from the train company explaining it was the fault of the train and not the individual.

There are those vidoes of trains being packed but i was smart enough to choose afternoon classes to avoid the rush, and the rush in the evening is usually not as bad as most japanese work long into th night past 5 o'clock. But really there is no place in japan than is not accesable by train and you can't get to with realitive ease... In that respect Cars are not as needed here....

Monday, 3 January 2011

Things i will miss (5)

In honour of my departure I think maybe going over a few things that in 4 months i've been rather accustom to and i will especially miss.

5.  Konbini and Obento's-

Nothing like the convience of a 24 hour convinience store that has realitively tasty premade food.  Plus the store's are everywhere,  even in small towns.  Equivenlent in numbers to the New York Bodegas  and serves almost same purpose but they also do alot more.  All have prinitng serves, atms, postal service, and you can buy movie and concert tickets from them aswell.   Lawsons and 711/7andi  being the biggest ones there are also  Sunkus, family mart, Circkle K, AM PM, MiniStop and many more.....

yaaaa  i don't want to live without them... :-( 


Lawson makes the best konbini obento's

Good bye to a friend I hardly knew....

Quite a shame that I have to get rid of my mode of transportation that has for the most part faithfully gotten me around japan.  There was that one night in Yokohama but i chalk that up to user error.  Alas bringing you with me would be too much.  So i thank you for the lessons, i thank you for the long rides in the middle of the night and i thank you most of all for giving me the freedom to explore Japan.  You will not be forgotten.