Sunday, 3 October 2010

Hooray Hooray Baseball!!

I went to the Tokyo Dome to see the Yomiuri Giants Vs. Yokohama Bay Stars.   First, awesome experience being in Tokyo dome with the Japanese fans.  They cheer throughout the game whether up or down.  Trumpets blare, flags are waved, and songs are sang.  It seemed like the fans had chants for every player, and they all knew exactly when to start, which chants to do at which time.  It was awesome to watch.

But on to baseball,  It was an entertaining game including two hr's and a triple play.  5-5-4-3 if i am not mistaken.  Giants Won 7-1 and it was sort of bitter sweet,  seeing as I am moving to Yokohama soon. It sucks to see my future home town team suck.  MVP after game interview - replays

During 5th inning fans brought out the big Banner.

The Tokyo Dome itself is an interesting place.  The concession stand sell Japanese style food as excepted I suppose, Obento, yakitori, taiyaki. Sort of weird seeing people eat obento at a baseball game.  The American in me is a purest There needs to be peanuts and cracker jacks. I don't care if i ever get back! (a weak premise to sing the song i think...Meh!) There are restaurants on the outside of the complex as well as vendors.  The Japanese Hall of Fame is there inside the dome. It is definitely a must see.

For the most important thing, the Beer and Whiskey Girls. If that is not an American idea, i don't know what is.  Pretty girls with kegs on their back walking around serving liquor? Highlight maybe of my trip so far.    I know there is a standard too because not one of them was ugly, unlike the Akihabara  maid cafe waitresses. More on that at a later date.   They wear brightly colored uniforms; shirt, shorts and hats. Some girls wear flowers in their hair. It's such a welcomed experience after seeing beer men all my life.  I wonder how i go back and experience the assault on my eyes of middle aged men with beer guts themselves  screaming 'Budweiser'.  Its a sad thought indeed.

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